BAAM 2025 Call for Papers

Submission Deadline: December 2, 2024


BAAM Conference: February 20-21, 2025


Submission Categories

Paper | Poster | Symposium | Workshop | Panel Discussion | Display  | Meeting

General Submission Guidelines


Submissions to BAAM should be made using the online forms on this website or the links provided in official BAAM communications.


For all proposals, please include the names, affiliations, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of all authors, along with a 150-350 word abstract of the proposed presentation. BAAM no longer accepts mailed or emailed proposals except when authorized by BAAM in advance.


Please contact BAAM directly if you would like to use another submission method.


Submission Categories and Online Submission Links


Paper Presentations

Papers and addresses are individual oral presentations on topics of relevance to behavior analysis. These may range from 20-50 minutes in length. Call for Papers.


Poster Presentations


Posters present empirical research in visual form. Poster presenters should be available with their poster for the entire length of the poster session (60-90 minutes) to discuss their research. A formal verbal presentation is not required. The poster should be no larger than 4 feet high by 4 feet wide. Posters on topics consistent with BAAM's Statement of Purpose may be submitted on-site at the BAAM convention, but only posters submitted by the proposal deadline will be listed in the convention booklet. Contact BAAM for more information or see Call for Papers.




Symposia are a series of addresses organized around a theme. A chair introduces the theme and each of the speakers. A discussant optionationally  concludes the symposium by presenting an integrative or evaluative summary of the symposium papers. A BAAM symposium typically lasts 80 minutes, although 50-minute symposia can be conducted with shorter or fewer papers.  For symposia, please indicate the authorship of each paper in the symposium and also include the names and affiliations of the of the symposium chair and discussant. Contact BAAM for more information or see Call for Papers.




Workshops are educational sessions which are usuall scheduled for 3 or 6 hours. Other lengths are possibl. Workshops typically involve the use of written training materials and guided practice of skills learned. Workshop presenters can specify the participants' academic level and limit enrollment. Participants are charged a workshop fee (above the convention registration fee). BAAM does not accept or manage a separate materials fee, and the costs of any materials should be incorporated into the workshop fee.  BAAM also does not produce, manage, or distribute workshop materials. That is the responsibility of the workshop organizers. BAAM workshop fees are generally between $30-$200 for a three-hour session. Free workshops are encouraged. BAAM shares the workshop fees with the presenter(s). For workshops, please indicate the educational level, enrollment limit, workshop fee, materials fee (if any), and any other pertinent information. Include a 200-350 word description of the topic, goals, and pedagogical style of their workshop suitable for publication in the BAAM convention booklet and BAAM convention advertising. BAAM requires that workshops include at least one presenter or sponsor with credentials appropriate to the skills being taught. Due to space and schedule limitations, workshops that in the past attracted only very small numbers of participants are not likely to be accepted. BAAM also discourages 6-hour workshops due to historicially low attendance.  Contact BAAM for more information or see Call for Papers.


Panel Discussions


Panel Discussions are 50-  or 80- minute sessions in which a group of 3-5 presenters discusses an issue of current relevance with an audience present. Panel discussions may be free-form or moderated, although we require that all Panel Discussions be chaired.  Panel discussions may include audience participation. For panel discussions, please include the names and affiliations of all panelists as well as the names and affiliations of the panel chair. Contact BAAM for more information or see Call for Papers.




Meetings of 50 to 80 minutes may be arranged. Proposals for meetings (e.g., for special interest groups) will be evaluated by BAAM using criteria applied to other presentations. BAAM may charge a modest fee for meetings not open to the general BAAM membership (e.g., job interviews).  Spaces for meetings are limited.  Contact BAAM for more information or Call for Papers.


Exhibitor Display Tables (A request/sponsorship form will be avaiable shortly.)


A limited number of Exhibitor Display Tables are typically available. These are 6-foot tables with some space behind for display set-ups in a common area. Due to the configuration of the space, BAAM cannot guarantee the availabilty of electrical power. Exhibitors pay costs of tables and other needs. We are changing the system for requesting tables, and the forms for this will be available shortly.


Scope of BAAM Convention


BAAM features from all areas of behavioral psychology including basic research, application, historical/conceptual/theoretical analysis, and professional development. Submissions to BAAM should be on topics related directly to the science and practice of behavior analysis, and should be consistent with BAAM's Statement of Purpose. Submission from other areas are considered if they are consistent with BAAM's main themes, or provide information of direct and significant relevance to behavior analysis science and practice. Submissions on topics inconsistent with BAAM's statement of purpose, applicatible laws, regulations, University policy, and venue policy may not be accepted.


 All submissions will be reviewed for quality and consistency with BAAM's principles and policies. Due to limited space in the convention venue, even submissions consistent with BAAM's purpose and policies may not be accepted. Acceptance or rejection is at the sole discretion of BAAM.



Audio Visual


BAAM will supply only an LCD projector or electronic display in each main presentation room. Other equipment are the responsibility of the presenter. If you need such equipment, please contact BAAM to assist with arrangements, or bring your own. You may be charged a rental fee for specialized equipment.. Bring your own computer or other device to serve as a source for electronic presentations.  BAAM does not supply computers for presenters. If your presentation requires sound, please check to see if your device has a standard sound output, such as a 1/8" stereo jack. Otherwise, bring an adaptor. If you have only a bluetooth sound connection, bring a suitable portable speaker. BAAM can provide sound reinforcement upon request. Howver, connecting to venue-supplied bluetooth speakers does not always go well. It is better to have your own, tested, portable, battery-powered sound reinforcement. Please check if you need a display adaptor. All Apple computers require an adaptor, as do many PCs. All phone and pad-type devices require adaptors. BAAM cannot keep a stock of the many versions of these needed. Many PCs require adaptors as well.   



Continuing Education


The Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan provides a variety of Continuing Education Units including BACB Type-II CEUs. Please note that the availability of CEUs for any particular session depends on a number of factors, and may require that the presenter have certain qualifications or credentials, and submit required paperwork.



BAAM Statement of Purpose


The Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan has been organized to support and promote scientific research on the basic principles of behavior and the extension of those principles to create demonstrably effective and humane outcome-based therapies with the primary goal of establishing and enhancing functional independent living skills.



Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan, Department of Psychology, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197